Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What’s It Going To Cost To Go To College?

As most of you know, or should know, the cost of going to college has become very expensive and the costs are increasing every year. If you are going to be responsible for paying all or a portion of your college expenses, the first step is to find out what the actual cost is going to be.

Start by visiting:
The College Board
The U.S. Department of Education
A High School Guidance Counselor

If you are fortunate enough to know that your college expenses will be paid for by your parents or grand-parents, discovering the actual costs will help give you a deeper appreciation for your family's financial sacrifices in order to send you to college.

Parents: There are college investment options to fit almost any investor. No matter how modest or how ample your income, careful planning is the best way to “find” the money for college. The key is to start early and remain consistent. Read “What College Investment Options Do I Have?” to learn more.

Friday, June 18, 2010

What Can You Do To Start Planning For College?

Most likely, your parents have already started saving for your college education. But how have you gotten involved in preparing for college? Working together with your parents to be part of the planning process can be very educational. Although you may not have the same amount of money as your parents do to save for college, there are other ways you can help your family plan for college.
  • Maintain good study habits which can help you achieve good grades. Academic scholarships are an excellent source of money to help pay for college.
  • Take college preparatory classes in high school and start thinking about possible career choices. What you want to be when you grow up may strongly influence your choice of college. Most colleges prefer to accept students who have taken more than the basic requires for high school graduation.
  • Set aside money from part-time jobs to save for college expenses. Tuition is just a part of the cost of going to college. You have to buy books, pay for room and board if you go away to school, travel costs and general living expenses, as well.

Parents: Start talking to your kids about college planning and get them involved with the process. This will help them take ownership of their educational goals. Read “How Can I Save for My Child’s College Education?” to learn more about financial tactics for college planning.